Unsafe Driving
On-Road Performance
- Measure: 1.66
- Percentile: Less than 3 driver inspections with violations (Threshold: 60%)
- Driver Inspections with Unsafe Driving Violations: 2
- Straight/Combination Segment: Combination
Investigation Results
- No Acute/Critical Violations Discovered
Crash Indicator
PrioritizedOn-Road Performance
- Measure: 1.33
- Percentile: 78% Over Threshold (60%)
- Crashes Included: 2
- Straight/Combination Segment: Combination
Hours of Service Compliance
PrioritizedOn-Road Performance
- Measure: 1.2
- Percentile: 98% Over Threshold (60%)
- Driver Inspections: 19
- Driver Inspections with HOS Compliance Violations: 11
Investigation Results
- No Acute/Critical Violations Discovered
Vehicle Maintenance
On-Road Performance
- Measure: 0.41
- Percentile: Less than 5 vehicle inspections with violations (Threshold: 75%)
- Vehicle Inspections: 17
- Vehicle Inspections with Vehicle Maint. Violations: 4
Investigation Results
- No Acute/Critical Violations Discovered
Vehicle Maintenance: Driver Observed
PrioritizedOn-Road Performance
- Measure: 3.03
- Percentile: 98% Over Threshold (75%)
- Vehicle Inspections: 17
- Vehicle Inspections with VM: Driver Observed Violations: 14
Investigation Results
- No Acute/Critical Violations Discovered
Hazardous Materials Compliance
On-Road Performance
- Measure: 0.71
- Percentile: 79% (Threshold: 90%)
- HM Placardable Vehicle Inspections: 8
- HM Placardable Vehicle Inspections with HM Compliance Violations: 5
- HM Segment: Non-Cargo Tank
Investigation Results
- No Acute/Critical Violations Discovered
Driver Fitness
PrioritizedOn-Road Performance
- Measure: 0.23
- Percentile: Less than 5 driver inspections with violations (Threshold: 85%)
- Driver Inspections: 19
- Driver Inspections with Driver Fitness Violations: 3
- Straight/Combination Segment: Combination
Investigation Results
- Acute/Critical Violations Discovered: 1 12/3/2024
Insurance and Other
Investigation Results
- No Acute/Critical Violations Discovered
If you have any questions about the forthcoming updates to SMS, please contact the CSA InfoLine.
Use of SMS data/information
FAST Act of 2015:
Readers should not draw conclusions about a carrier's overall safety condition simply based on the data displayed in this system. Unless a motor carrier has received an UNSATISFACTORY safety rating under part 385 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, or has otherwise been ordered to discontinue operations by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, it is authorized to operate on the Nation's roadways.
Safety Measurement System:
The data in the Safety Measurement System (SMS) is performance data used by the Agency and Enforcement Community. A symbol, based on that data, indicates that FMCSA may prioritize a motor carrier for further monitoring.
The symbol is not intended to imply any federal safety rating of the carrier pursuant to 49 USC 31144. Readers should not draw conclusions about a carrier's overall safety condition simply based on the data displayed in this system. Unless a motor carrier in the SMS has received an UNSATISFACTORY safety rating pursuant to 49 CFR Part 385, or has otherwise been ordered to discontinue operations by the FMCSA, it is authorized to operate on the nation's roadways.
Motor carrier safety ratings are available at http://safer.fmcsa.dot.gov and motor carrier licensing and insurance status are available at http://li-public.fmcsa.dot.gov/.