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FMCSA Releases Resources for Safety Stakeholders (updated September 2012)

May 16, 2012

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program is providing resources geared towards safety stakeholders about the agency’s publicly available data. FMCSA makes three sources of safety and compliance data available to the public. These sources are the Safety and Fitness Electronic Records system; the Licensing and Insurance Online Website; and CSA’s Safety Measurement System (SMS). The resources consist of a factsheet and a PowerPoint presentation.
FMCSA developed these resources in response to feedback from safety stakeholders. The factsheet identifies and clarifies all three of FMCSA’s publicly available data sources.  In addition, the PowerPoint presentation gives an overview of FMCSA’s publicly available data sources that includes screenshots from each of those sources.  The two resources can be found at this link:

FMCSA will continue answering questions and feedback about its CSA program. The CSA Website publishes new information regularly, so make sure to visit it to keep up-to-date. Also, stay connected to CSA by subscribing to the RSS feed and signing up for the email subscription service (

May 10, 2012

CSA Safety Measurement System (SMS) website updated

June 05, 2012

FMCSA Urges Motor Carriers to Preview Their Data