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CSA Safety Measurement System (SMS) website updated

December 11, 2015

Pursuant to the FAST Act of 2015, the information previously available on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) website related to property carrier’s compliance and safety performance was no longer available for public display. FMCSA has been working to restore the data that is allowed to remain publicly available. At this time, while all data has not been restored, inspection and crash data for all property carriers has been restored to the public SMS website. If you are a property carrier, you must login to view your own complete SMS results. All information on passenger carriers remains available to the public. Additional updates will be made in the coming weeks.

The QCMobile app remains unavailable to the public at this time. Complete SMS results are only available to enforcement users and motor carriers that are logged into the SMS. Logged-in enforcement users can view all carrier safety data, while logged-in motor carriers can only view their own data. If you are a motor carrier and do not have login credentials, please click here for more information on how to obtain your PIN.

December 04, 2015

FMCSA Removes Property Carrier Compliance and Safety Performance Data from Public Display

December 21, 2015

FMCSA to Lower Controlled Substances Random Testing Rate for Calendar Year 2016