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This is an excerpt from FMCSA's Motor Carrier Safety Planner specific to your interests. As you navigate through the pages, pay close attention to any notes and highlights. Click here to read the entire Safety Planner and find more resources to help you comply with safety regulations.

3.6.3 How a Carrier is Notified of Its Safety Rating (385.11)

The motor carrier will receive written notice of a safety rating from FMCSA within 30 days after the compliance review. The notice will take the form of a letter issued from the FMCSA's headquarters office and will include a list of FMCSR and HMR compliance deficiencies that the motor carrier must correct.

If the safety rating is “Satisfactory” or improves a proposed “Unsatisfactory” safety rating, it is final and becomes effective on the date of the notice.

In all other cases, a notice of a proposed safety rating will be issued. If the carrier doesn’t take steps to improve the safety rating within the time periods listed below, the safety rating becomes final.

Carrier Type

Corrective Action Must Be Taken Within

Carriers transporting passengers OR placardable amounts of hazardous materials45 days after date of notice
All others types of carriers60 days after date of notice

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