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Listening Session Presentations Now Available

January 07, 2010
Did You Know?  FMCSA’s December 3rd and 10th public listening sessions on CSA 2010 each drew an audience of nearly 1,500. Attendees included commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers, CMV carrier company representatives, safety advocates, insurance and shipping industry stakeholders, government officials, and journalists.  More than 95% of respondents to an exit poll said the information they received about CSA 2010 was useful and that the webcast format was effective.  
Participants submitted more than 1,000 questions, and panel members and presenters answered many of these during the webcasts.  The 2009 listening session presentations are now available online.  The recorded webcasts will be posted on the CSA 2010 outreach website by the end of January so stay tuned!

December 09, 2009

CSA 2010 Listening Session a big success!

Did You Know?  The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) December 3rd public listening session on Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 (CSA 2010) was a big success, with 1,483 motor carriers, safety advocates, insurance industry and government  staff logged into the webcast – twenty times as many registrants as in previous years!  The second session, being held on December 10th, will address what CSA 2010 means for motor carriers and drivers.  The recorded webcasts will be transcribed to be compliant with FMCSA website requirements, and posted to the CSA 2010 website by the middle of January 2010.  ...Read More

January 21, 2010

New CSA 2010 materials now available!

We've recently added several new CSA 2010 outreach documents to the website.  Take a few minutes to check them out! ...Read More