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New CSA 2010 materials now available!

January 21, 2010
We've recently added several new CSA 2010 outreach documents to the website.  Take a few minutes to check them out!

January 07, 2010

Listening Session Presentations Now Available

Did You Know?  FMCSA’s December 3rd and 10th public listening sessions on CSA 2010 each drew an audience of nearly 1,500. Attendees included commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers, CMV carrier company representatives, safety advocates, insurance and shipping industry stakeholders, government officials, and journalists.  More than 95% of respondents to an exit poll said the information they received about CSA 2010 was useful and that the webcast format was effective.  
Participants submitted more than 1,000 questions, and panel members and presenters answered many of these during the webcasts.  The 2009 listening session presentations are now available online.  The recorded webcasts will be posted on the CSA 2010 outreach website by the end of January so stay tuned! ...Read More

January 28, 2010

Driver Fact Sheet Now Available!

Did You Know?  A total of 3,067 stakeholders participated in the December 3rd and 10th Listening Sessions, submitting more than 1,150 questions!  The CSA 2010 team has analyzed the questions and is compiling answers to those that were asked most frequently.  The question below represents one of those most frequently asked. Also, check out the new Driver Fact Sheet designed to inform CMV drivers about what CSA 2010 means to them.   Stay tuned for more questions and answers over the coming weeks!
Will CSA 2010 assign safety ratings to individual commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers? I heard that CSA 2010 is designed to rate CMV drivers and to put many of them out of work this summer.
No. Under CSA 2010, individual CMV drivers will not be assigned safety ratings or safety fitness determinations. Consistent with the current safety rating regulations (49 CFR part 385), individual drivers will continue to be rated, as they are today, following an onsite investigation at their place of business when they operate independently as a "motor carrier" (i.e. have their own USDOT number, operating authority, and insurance). CSA 2010 will provide enhanced tools for Safety Investigators to identify and address drivers with poor safety records as part of motor carrier investigations in order to increase driver accountability for safe driving behavior. CSA 2010 is designed to meet one overriding objective: to increase safety on the Nation's roads. Therefore, it is, by design, a positive program for drivers and carriers with strong safety performance records Also, it will send a strong message that drivers and carriers with poor safety performance histories need to improve. ...Read More