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FMCSA Updates SMS Website, CSA Prioritization Preview and CPDP Updates

May 08, 2023

FMCSA Updates SMS Website

FMCSA has updated the Safety Measurement System (SMS) Website with the April 28, 2023 results. Complete SMS results are available to enforcement users and motor carriers that are logged into the SMS Website.

Submit Your Feedback on FMCSA’s Proposed Changes to SMS

FMCSA has announced proposed changes to SMS to reduce and prevent crashes. Motor carriers can visit the CSA Prioritization Preview website, log in, and preview how their own data would appear under the proposal. Companies are encouraged to preview their prioritization results and submit their feedback on these proposed changes to FMCSA at Other users will be able to review sample pages. FMCSA strongly encourages stakeholders to participate in the preview and submit their comments to the public docket. Comments are due by May 16, 2023. Learn more at

FMCSA Seeks Comments on Proposed Changes to Crash Preventability Determination Program 

Since May 2020, FMCSA has been operating the Crash Preventability Determination Program (CPDP) and reviewing 16 specific crash types. FMCSA proposes changes to the CPDP. Based on the Agency’s experiences with the program, FMCSA proposes modifying existing crash types to broaden eligibility and remove the distinction between direct and indirect strikes. The proposal also differentiates some types for improved reporting and use of the data to identify ways to reduce crashes involving non-motorists, in alignment with the Department of Transportation’s National Roadway Safety Strategy at FMCSA also proposes that four new crash types be included in the program.

The Agency’s SMS uses safety performance information and recordable crashes involving commercial motor vehicles to prioritize carriers for safety interventions. The Crash Indicator Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) uses crashes from the previous 24 months to calculate percentiles for motor carriers. FMCSA is better positioned to identify unsafe carrier and driver behaviors and prioritize carriers for interventions, by excluding not preventable crashes when calculating a motor carrier’s Crash Indicator BASIC measure and percentile. Not preventable determinations are also noted in FMCSA’s Pre-employment Screening Program.

FMCSA seeks public comments on the proposed changes to the program. The comment period will be open for 60 days. For more information about the proposal, including how to submit comments to the Federal Register docket, click on the following link:

Learn more about FMCSA’s CPDP at

April 18, 2023

FMCSA Updates SMS Website, CSA Prioritization Preview and Clearinghouse Updates

June 09, 2023

FMCSA Updates SMS Website, CPDP and Clearinghouse Updates